HTTP status codes

Here are listed the HTTP status codes indicating that an error occurred when making a request to the maib e-commerce API, along with possible solutions.

Error code
Error message


Bad Request

The request is not understood by the server maib ecomm due to incorrect syntax.

This means that the maib ecomm system was unable to understand the request and process it because the request sent by the client was not formed properly.

Check parameter names and value types.

Make sure that you are not missing the mandatory parameter.

Please, make sure that all the parameters and values are passed correctly before repeating the request.



This status code means that the user authentication is required by the maib ecomm system or that authorization for the provided credentials was refused - this might mean that one or both of your credentials are invalid.

Make sure your credentials are correct (Project ID/Project Secret).

Ensure that a valid Access Token is passed and is not expired.



The maib ecomm system refuses to connect because requests from this IP are not allowed.

Make sure you are registered with maibmerchants and there is an active Project with the IP you are requesting from.


Not Found

The server responds with this error when it understands the HTTP request sent by the caller but cannot find requested resources for the given URL.

No indication is given in the server response if the resource is not available temporarily or permanently.

Make sure the URL is correct and the resource id (e.g., payId/billerId) specified in the path is correct.


Unsupported Media Type

The maib ecomm is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.

Make sure that the requested body is in the correct format.

Make sure that the Content-Type header exists and has the correct value. (application/json).


Too Many Requests

This status code notifies that too many requests were made by the caller in a predefined time period.

This mechanism throttles the number of requests for protecting against performance lags and downtime.

Check your codebase whether you need so many requests per period. If it's necessary, contact the maib ecommerce support team to configure different policies for your application.


Internal Server Error

The maib ecomm system responds with this status code when it has encountered an unexpected condition, which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

There is problem-related to the maib ecomm, you should contact maib ecommerce support team for more information or assistance.


Service Unavailable

The maib ecomm system responds with this status code when it is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. This is a temporary condition, which will be alleviated after some delay.

If this period is expected to be longer, then Merchants will be notified in advance in maibmerchants and by email.

Repeat the request after a short period of time.

If the error is repeated for a longer time, contact the maib ecommerce support team.

Last updated