The Merchant will receive notifications on the Callback URL with the final response containing the status of the transaction.
Notifications are sent as HTTPS POST requests with data in JSON format.
Based on these notifications, the Merchant must provide the service/product to the Customer.
Callback URL is a mandatory setting for every project opened in maibmerchants, but it can also be sent in the request when initiating a payment (callbackUrl parameter).
To receive notifications responses from maib ecommfollowing server IP addresses must be allowed in the merchant server firewall:
The notification is considered to be processed successfully by the merchant if HTTP 200 OK status returned. Otherwise maib ecomm will repeat notification attempts with such time intervals: 10, 60, 300, 600, 3600, 43200, 86400 seconds.
Example of receiving notifications on Callback URL (PHP)
Compare the generated signature with the value of the signature parameter in the notification and if they match the signature will be considered valid (the received data is authentic and intact).
Example of signature validation (PHP)
$key = "8508706b-3454-4733-8295-56e617c4abcf"; //Signature Key from Project settings
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($json, true);
if (isset($data['signature'])) {
$data_result = $data['result']; // Data from "result" object
function sortByKeyRecursive(array $array) {
ksort($array, SORT_STRING);
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$array[$key] = sortByKeyRecursive($value);
return $array;
function implodeRecursive($separator, $array) {
$result = '';
foreach ($array as $item) {
$result .= (is_array($item) ? implodeRecursive($separator, $item) : (string)$item) . $separator;
return substr($result, 0, -1);
$sortedDataByKeys = sortByKeyRecursive($data_result); //Sort an array by key recursively
$sortedDataByKeys[] = $key; //Add Signature Key to the end of data array
$signString = implodeRecursive(':', $sortedDataByKeys); // Implode array recursively
$sign = base64_encode(hash('sha256', $signString, true)); // Generate signature
if ($sign === $data['signature']) // Compare the generated signature with the received signature on Callback URL
echo "Signature is valid!"; // Signature is valid, process the data
} else {
echo "Signature is invalid!"; // Signature is invalid, reject the request