Erori API
Aici sunt enumerate toate posibilele erori care pot fi primite ca răspuns în timpul request-urilor către maib e-commerce API.
În cazul în care în timpul integrării/testării vă întâlniți cu erori sau neclarități, vă rugăm să consultați mai detaliat documentația API sau să contactați echipa de suport, furnizând cât mai multe date legate de eroare (HTTP status code, errorCode, errorMesage, data/ora/minuta/secunda request-ului) și informații referitoare la soluția e-commerce (Project ID, denumire Comerciant, denumire wesbite/app, URL website).
Formatul erorilor
Tabelul erorilor
Error Code | Error Message | Error Arguments | HTTP Status Code |
10000 | Internal error encountered. Please try again or report if error persists |
| 500 |
11001 | Invalid credentials. Please check 'projectId' and 'projectSecret' parameters |
| 401 |
11002 | Please provide 'projectId' and 'projectSecret' credentials or 'refreshToken' |
| 401 |
11101 | Unregistered Project IP: {{ip}} |
| 403 |
12001 | Parameter '{{parameter}}' is invalid |
| 400 |
12002 | Provided request is invalid: {{error}} |
| 400 |
12004 | Parameter 'language' must have {{length}} characters |
| 400 |
12005 | Parameter 'currency' is invalid. Possible values: {{values}} |
| 400 |
12006 | Parameter 'phone' must not exceed {{maxLength}} characters |
| 400 |
12007 | Parameter 'email' must not exceed {{maxLength}} characters |
| 400 |
12008 | Parameter 'email' has invalid format |
| 400 |
12011 | Parameter 'payId' is required |
| 400 |
12012 | Parameter 'confirmAmount' must be in range from {{minValue}} to {{maxValue}} |
| 400 |
12013 | Parameter 'confirmAmount' must have no more than {{maxScale}} decimal places |
| 400 |
12014 | Parameter 'amount' must be in range from {{minValue}} to {{maxValue}} |
| 400 |
12015 | Parameter 'amount must have no more than {{maxScale}} decimal places |
| 400 |
12016 | Parameter 'delivery' must be in range from {{minValue}} to {{maxValue}} |
| 400 |
12017 | Parameter 'delivery' must have no more than {{maxScale}} decimal places |
| 400 |
12018 | Parameter 'clientIp' is required |
| 400 |
12019 | Parameter 'clientIp' has invalid format. Only IPv4 is allowed |
| 400 |
12020 | Parameter 'description' must not exceed {{maxLength}} characters |
| 400 |
12021 | Parameter 'clientName' must not exceed {{maxLength}} characters |
| 400 |
12022 | Parameter 'okUrl' has invalid format |
| 400 |
13023 | Parameter 'failUrl' has invalid format |
| 400 |
12024 | Parameter 'callbackUrl' has invalid format |
| 400 |
12025 | Parameter 'orderId' must not exceed {{maxLength}} characters |
| 400 |
12026 | 'items' array must not exceed {{maxCount}} elements |
| 400 |
12028 | Parameter 'refundAmount' must be in range from {{minValue}} to {{maxValue}} |
| 400 |
12029 | Parameter 'refundAmount' must have no more than {{maxScale}} decimal places |
| 400 |
12032 | Parameter 'billerId' is required |
| 400 |
12033 | Parameter 'billerExpiry' is required |
| 400 |
12034 | Parameter 'billerExpiry' has invalid format. Valid format is 'MMYY' |
| 400 |
12035 | Parameter 'billerExpiry' must contain current or future date. Current date: {{currentDate}} |
| 400 |
12036 | Parameter 'items[{{itemIndex}}].id' must not exceed {{maxLength}} characters |
| 400 |
12037 | Parameter 'items[{{itemIndex}}].name' must not exceed {{maxLength}} characters |
| 400 |
12038 | Parameter 'items[{{itemIndex}}].price' must be in range from {{minValue}} to {{maxValue}} |
| 400 |
12039 | Parameter 'items[{{itemIndex}}].price' must have no more than {{maxScale}} decimal places |
| 400 |
12040 | Parameter 'items[{{itemIndex}}].quantity' must be more than zero |
| 400 |
12041 | Please provide 'projectId' and 'projectSecret' credentials or 'refreshToken' |
| 400 |
13002 | Payment ID '{{paymentId}}' not found |
| 404 |
13003 | Biller ID '{{billerId}}' not found" |
| 404 |
13101 | Processing error: {{processingError}} |
| 409 |
13102 | Refund amount cannot be greater than {{amount}} |
| 409 |
13103 | Refund amount cannot be greater than {{confirmAmount}} |
| 409 |
13004 | Confirm amount cannot be greater than {{amount}} |
| 409 |
13106 | Payment does not require completion |
| 409 |
13107 | OK URL is not set |
| 409 |
13108 | FAIL URL is not set |
| 409 |
13109 | CALLBACK URL is not set |
| 409 |
13110 | Partial refund is not supported for payments in Hold status |
| 409 |
13111 | Biller ID '{{billerId}}' is inactive |
| 409 |
13112 | Biller ID '{{billerId}}' is not allowed for this payment type |
| 409 |
13113 | {{paymentType}} payment type in {{currency}} currency is not allowed for this Project |
| 409 |
13114 | Refund is not possible for payment with a zero amount |
| 409 |
13115 | Complete is supported only for payments in Hold status |
| 409 |
13116 | Payment is already refunded |
| 409 |
13117 | Refund is not allowed for payment in {{statusPay}} status |
| 409 |
Last updated